RFA P. 17: It describes the tranches of funding and the possibility that no more funding would be awarded in Years 2 and 3. Would the Year 1 tranche have to be completely expended by the end of Year 1?
Yes. In general SWFF releases funds within the year of funding. Future tranches of funding would not be released until year 1 funds are expended.
For the fund matching, how long does one organization have to match at the required percentage for the initial grant tranche?
All matching funds or in-kind leverage need to be guaranteed at the start of the award.
Would innovations related to water in the coffee value chain be considered within the RFA focus on “Water for Food”?
Yes, innovations related to water in the coffee value chain be considered within the RFA focus on “Water for Food”?
Would it be possible to provide a brief summary of the kinds of projects that the donor group has already funded, to get a sense of what appeals to them, and what kinds of organizations they have funded?
Please go to http://www.securingwaterforfood.org/round-1-call/ for a list of currently funded innovations. However, please note the round 1 BAA was different than the RD. 3 RFA. Past funding choices do not necessarily equate with Rd. 3 funding decisions.
If an organization receives a SWFF award to implement a project in a country where Partner Vetting System (PVS) may be in use (e.g., Kenya, Guatemala, Ukraine), would this organization be required to use PVS?
In general, SWFF does not require the use of PVS. However, any organization receiving SWFF funding is subject to the rules and requirements of the country of implementation.
RFA P. 20 includes mention of “if the awardee chooses to receive acceleration services”. Is the Acceleration Facilitator support optional? Highly recommended?
The Acceleration Facilitator support is highly recommended, yet optional. Some SWFF responsibilities (Pre-Award Surveys, SAM/DUNS registration help) are initially provided by the SWFF Technical Assistance Facility.
RFA P. 18: For Stage 1, it notes that “Resource-sharing from publicly-funded programs also qualifies as external in-kind matching.” Does this include USG-publicly funded programs?
Please review the eligibility requirements in the RFA. Governments are considered ineligible for SWFF unless they are a research institution. Funds from USG-publicly funded programs are not included in this external in-kind matching.
Can a NGO present more than one project for the same challange?
Thank you,
Alice Fanti
Yes, each application will be reviewed separately. However, please note that organizations that win multiple awards will need to have different project managers.
RFA P. 31: the application review information includes the question, “has this innovation been piloted (yes/no)?” However, earlier in the RFA, it sounded like if the innovation hadn’t been piloted and validated, it would not be accepted. This review question is confusing – could the donor clarify?
All SWFF innovations must have been piloted to be eligible for SWFF funding. The question, “has this innovation been piloted (yes/no)?”, is meant to allow applicants to clarify if the innovation has been piloted and what were the results of the pilot. If the applicant fails to provide an adequate response to the question, the application will be deemed ineligible for funding.
RFA P. 19: For the Acceleration Facilitator: Would this individual be based in the target country? Would the Acceleration Facilitator play a full-time or part-time role?
The Acceleration Facilitator is not based in the target country, but may help find external service providers in the target country in some cases. Each SWFF awardee does not get their distinct acceleration facilitator. Rather, the Acceleration Facilitator plays a full time role for the SWFF TA Facility, which includes all SWFF awardees.
Will a proposal based around standard solar photovoltaic panels and electric water pumps be considered innovative? The setting is dry land agriculture on the Ethiopian-Somali boarder where water is only available in wells for most of the year.
I understand it is established technology. Will that prevent it from being funded?
SWFF will not provide any comment on the merits of an individual proposal before concept note review. Please review pages 15-16 of the RFA which describes what will not be funded by SWFF.
Is there an advantage to applying early? In other words, will funds be allocated to winners prior to the final deadline?
There is no advantage to applying early. All applications will be reviewed at the same time.
How can I start the online application?
To start the online application, simply click on the "Submit Response" link to the top right of the page. You will then be taken through a series of questions to answer. If you choose not to complete your application all at once, your information will be autosaved until you return. If you do not click "Preview and submit" once you've answered all of your questions, your application will not be reviewed.
For a rainwater microfinance project for marginalized farmers we plan a revolving fund from local banks.
1 Does SWF accept revolving fund investments of local bank partners as own contribution?
2 Is it possible to arrange a payment at the start of the project, upon signature of the contract in the case of a grant award? (this would allow partners to organize a kick-off workshop to develop a detailed workplan).
Q1: Yes, SWFF would accept revolving fund investments as the leverage contribution.
Q2: As noted in the RFA, SWFF cannot guarantee that payment will begin immediately after award, but will occur as soon as allowable.
The RFA Indicates that Stage I innovations must have been 'verified through a standalone pilot or a series of pilots'. Our water treatment technology has been bench tested in the Micronic prototype facility with third party laboratory verified test results. We are now federally funded to scale and test a field pilot this year in the US. Does this experience qualify us for eligibility to apply as Stage 1 grantee for this program?
Yes. Please make sure the link to agriculture is strong.
We would like to submit an application for a stage 2 innovation that directly benefit targeted users of poor farmers. The technology is a rainwater catchment. The RFA states that this type of innovation needs to show a viable business with 25% cost-recovery. What is the best way to show this when the technology is donated to businesses at no cost? There is definitely a sharp market boost in the region benefitting the catchment. Is that enough to prove a viable business model and the cost-recovery?
Please review the RFA. All Stage 2 applications must have 25% cash or cash equivalent matching funds at the start of the award. Technology donated by businesses would not meet the requirements of a Stage 2 application, and would instead meet the Stage 1 definition of in-kind matching for leverage.
I've started a distribution company with the objective to bring clean drinking water, food, medical supplies and text books to the 3rd world. I came across the Securing Water for Food grant on the Grants.gov website. Could tell me more about it?
Please review the SWFF Rd. 3 RFA located at the bottom of the page.
PostBank is already working with several groups of small holder farmers along the value chain, VSLA and other self-help women groups including individuals.
Before we submit out concept note, we seek your guidance basing on our brief attached, whether we can participate.
** the brief is attached to the email from 3/27/15**
As noted in the RFA, SWFF will not review any materials that are not in a submitted concept note.
Following the Call for Request for Applications (RFA)-Securing Water for Food, We Rural Education and Agriculture Development Organization (READO) is National Humanitarian Organization operating in Somalia. Therefore is Our Organization will Eligible to Apply if Call for Request of Application Securing Water for Food.
Please review the eligibility criteria on page 23 of the RFA. In addition please review pages 11-16, which describe they types of innovations that SWFF is looking for/will not fund.
As a company with local presence, we fit with all minimum requirements. My question would be, whether you see this innovation eligible: the application of a new methodology to evaluate and score the impact of companies on watersheds (mainly companies in the food and beverage industry, but also companies that depend on agricultural inputs or natural commodities). This serves as a crucial basis for us (and others) to develop innovations to improve water efficiency and storage options in relation to these companies' economic activity, adapted to the local context within the supply chain, having a positive impact on the poor and surrounding communities.
According to your definition of innovation "The development and application of unconventional, new (and/or modification of existing) technologies, tools, products, services or processes", this demand-driven service should be eligible, right?
SWFF will not provide any comment on the merits of an individual proposal before concept note review. Please review pages 15-16 of the RFA which describes what will not be funded by SWFF. Please also review Eligibility Criteria on page 23.